Sunday, November 28, 2010

Meet Frasier {our first Christmas tree}.

Before we jointly celebrated our birthdays at Topo Gigio yesterday, Nate and I picked up our very first Christmas tree. Nate insisted we get the best and we ended up with a 6 1/2 foot tall Frasier Fir. Despite the fact that we do not own ornaments we decided putting it in the stand and stringing the lights would be a huge accomplishment. We purchased 300 white lights {I'm anti colored lights} and got to work!

Disclaimer: I did not do this all by myself. There are no pictures of Nate due to his lack of shirt in efforts to avoid tree sap! And this isn't that kind of blog ...

{Phoebs helping out!}



We are anxious to adorn the tree with beautiful, festive ornaments! However, I'm taking my time and checking out all the stores have to offer before I buy them {and a star}. Sure, we will add new ones to our collection every year, but I'd love to start with a great color scheme! My family takes Christmas trees very seriously. No homemade ornaments, no ugly ornaments. We always end up with a fabulous tree and I have high expectations for our tree as well!


  1. Your tree is gorgeous...

    even with no ornaments yet:)

  2. we set up our tree this weekend too! its so much fun. we just started our ornament collection too. got some of my favorites from target (surprisingly), a couple good ones from home goods, and a couple really expensive but gorgeous ones from anthropologie. ill share pictures later this week!

  3. looks great! if only my place were big enough for a tree like this :(

  4. hmmm.... i wouldnt have minded lack of shirt pictures! lol jk :)
    looks gorgeous! cant wait to put my tree up! :)


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