It has taken me all of January to really come to my New Year's Resolution. For the past month, I've been working some crazy hours and have totally let myself go. I think I can count the number of times on one hand that I have put on makeup, my leather boots look terrible and I just come across as tired. So. not. cool.
So laugh at me if you will, but my New Year's Resolution is to ... BE MORE GLAMOROUS.
Many of us love to dress up and go out, but in our day-to-day life we can end up looking like a hot mess. I'm taking 27 by the horns, refusing to give into all things comfortable and convenient. Your late twenties/early thirties are supposed to be fabulous. Most of us have a little more disposable income, minimal responsibilities and our body still intact. Live it up while you can - wear higher heels, shorten your hem and and get out the mascara ...
{source: We Heart It}